November 1, 2007


After learning about NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month) through Saving Nine I decided to take the plunge. Here's post number 1! I almost missed the deadline for today (it's 11:19 PM)! o_O
The idea is, that throughout the month of November you have to blog every single day. So, 30 straight days of blogging. I'm pretty sure I can do it. My only worries are:

  • Since this is mainly a knitting blog I might not always have enough material for a post. I've decided that this month, things will start getting a bit more personal... as in my personal and social life.
  • We regularly have internet outages here in BuFu. The area around us is still developing (quite rapidly, I might say) and there tends to be constant wire cutting and sewer digging and power outting.

I guess that's not much to worry about.
Well, already, on the first day of NaBloPoMo I don't have any knitting related things to share. All my focus has been on my Beau sweater and it's surprisingly NOT growing. For some reason I'll knit two rows and put it down without actually realizing I've stopped. I think I need some filler projects.

I've actually made a list of things to blog about when I don't have any knitting. It's a pretty cool list and I think it offers an interesting insight to my life outside of yarn.

For November, blog hard! =)


Nichole D. said...

I'm so glad to see you're doing this, as well! It'll be great to get to know you better. Good luck!

Eikon said...

I tend to blog in waves do these things never work out for me. Good luck though : )